2019 Graduates of the CAM and the NALP
SLAA is honored to announce the following members who completed coursework and met examination requirements to obtain their Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) designation.
Summer Clark, CAM, Lund Company
Ramah Crowell, CAM, 2B Residential
Terri Rogers, CAM, Broadmoor Group
Randi Bailey, CAM Catalyst Property Solutions
Feliz Gregory, CAM, Capreit
Lindsay Fitzhugh, CAM, Lund Company
Leslie Schellert, CAM, Capreit
On behalf of the St. Louis Apartment Association we are sincerely grateful to our dedicated (volunteer) instructors; Jenna Hellmuth, City Group; Jamie Bryan, Monarch Investments; Barbara Schuette, JR Mayer Homes; Randall Reinker, Esq; and Charisse Earhart, United Services Disaster Restoration. We appreciate your time and expertise.
SLAA would like to introduce the graduates from the National Apartment Leasing Professional (NALP) spring class! Seven out of seven students completed the entire course, market study and exam. Congratulations on a job well done ladies and gentlemen!
Mani Savilay, NALP, Progress Property Group
Genna Korpal, NALP, 2B Residential
Taylor Winkler, NALP, Cordish Living
Jeanie Loyd, NALP, Rezi
Amy Miller, NALP, 2B Residential
Alex Newland, NALP, Coronado Place & Towers
Tanisha Benson, NALP, Coronado Place & Towers
Another big shout out to our instructors; Kim Andress with Northland Heights in KC, and our own, Laura Bruyere with Apartment Leasing Solutions! Thank you, ladies!