Signature Events

Click the links below to learn more about our annual signature events!

Rising Star Awards Banquet  Golf Classic  Business Networking Expo  Fall Expo and Seminar  Holiday Social

Rising Star Awards Banquet

The Rising Star Awards Banquet typically takes place in May each year.  This is SLAA's premiere event of the year, giving members the opportunity to acknowledge their hardworking team members who make it all happen.  

Sponsorship opportunities are available too!  This is THE event you don't want to miss! 
You will not be disappointed!  

Golf Classic

SLAA's Golf Classic takes place in September at Tapawingo Golf Course.

Included in the entry fee is 18 holes of golf, cart rental, grab 'n go breakfast, box lunch, a buffet dinner, and a golfer gift.  Beverages and snacks are available throughout the day.  Thanks to our fantastic sponsors, games and treats are available out on the course.  The event concludes with a buffet dinner, cash prizes, and awards.

Business Networking Expo

One of SLAA's most popular events is the Business Networking Expo (aka Reverse Trade Show).  This event takes place in July of each year.

Supplier Partners schedule one-on-one appointments to meet with key decision makers from a list of participating property management companies. A networking cocktail kicks off the event for even more opportunity to meet other SLAA members.

Fall Expo and Seminar

SLAA's Fall Expo and Seminar typically takes place in October of each year. Education, networking and the opportunity to meet the people behind the business is what you can expect at this event. Attendees tour a fabulous gallery of displays and meet vendors from down the street and national vendors
from across the country.

An educational seminar is offered in the morning for property management professionals. Trade Show booth prices range from $700 - $900.00, depending on location.  Exhibitors can expect an average of 500 property management professionals to attend the trade show in the afternoon.

Holiday Social

SLAA's Annual Holiday Social typically takes place on the 1st Wednesday of December. 

This casual and fun event is a way to thank SLAA members for supporting the association throughout the year.  Activities include a photo booth, Festive Fashion Contest, and more.  Buffet dinner and hosted bar are included.

View the Upcoming Signature Events Calendar