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Photo of Tracy Deniszczuk

Tracy Deniszczuk

Business Development Manager

Precision Concrete Cutting

Supplier Partner

Professional Bio

After working for a Property Management company in St. Louis, working with communities and vendors to resolve property maintenance issues, I decided to try a different field within the sales industry, but still within facilities management. A field that offers a service to communities that provides both cost savings and time savings to those looking for alternatives to removing and replacing concrete sidewalks. Currently working as a Business Development Manager for Precision Concrete Cutting, promoting our patented technology and equipment to give customers a 70%-90% cost savings for removing trip hazards on sidewalk panels that have lifted/heaved. Our Technicians saw cut sidewalk differentials away, completely eliminating the trip hazards, therefore, creating a more walkable community with liability removed. All of our cuts meet and exceed ADA standards. Our Patented saws are attached to a HEPAvac system to eliminate dust during the cutting process, creating a more environmentally friendly atmosphere as our Technicians go through an area cutting. On average, cuts range from $35-$75. We provide a no cost sidewalk survey assessment for communities with placement of trip hazards noted on a GIS map system.


Precision Concrete Cutting 1896 Goldeneye Drive
Holland, MI 49424
SLAA Logo Supplier Partner

Areas of Expertise
Asphalt & Concrete Contractors, Compliance Services, Concrete Maintenance, Surface Resurfacing