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"Rekindling Your Passion for the Job: Making it Fun to Go to Work Again!

Thursday, October 24, 2019
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM (CDT)

* Registration open until 10/24/19 at 1:00 PM (CST)

Event Details

Fall Expo Seminar -
Presented by Jackie Ramstedt, Ramstedt Enterprises 

When was the last time you said to yourself, “I just can’t wait to get to work today!”  Last week? Yesterday?  NEVER?  As leaders in our industry your PASSION is what drives your performance AND the performances of all your employees. Every year new challenges and changes takes its toll on your energy level, both mentally and physically. What you need is a major rekindling of that passionate spirit …that zest for competition and cutting-edge performance for the most creative marketing, selling, and management ideas.

Do you ever wonder how you can be more, do more and create more success in your role at work? Are you curious about the things it takes to rise above stresses of the daily grind while standing out and displaying exemplary performance to those around you? Or maybe you've just been trying to figure out how to make a difference and/or get ahead. If any of this sounds familiar, perhaps you simply need a road map to ultimately figure out your destination while determining how to get there

Today, the prevailing wisdom is changing with new watchwords and key phrases such as “collaboration”, “shared ownership”, “personal commitment” and “common values”. As the watchwords change, so do the methods of effective leadership and vision, and approaches to building strong, successful teams.


Learning Objectives:

  • Creating the ability to manage yourself and your job more effectively
  • Gaining a clearer understanding of how to “read” others 
  • Develop new skills and insights to address the things that impact your performance including your emotions, procrastination sins, managing multiple projects, and those times when the boss needs it ALL yesterday.
  • Understanding the sins of leadership: what NOT to do if you want to be respected without the organization
  • Incorporating Personal Action Accelerators to be your best for 2019 and beyond

For More Information:

St. Louis Apartment Association Logo 12777 Olive Boulevard, Suite C
Saint Louis, MO 63141